What is Annette Annechild’s Hypnotic Meditative Technique (HMT)?

Don’t worry, no one is going to dangle a watch in front of you and put you to sleep. That’s just in the movies.

HMT is the groundbreaking technique that Annette developed and perfected over her 25-year career as a therapist. It is a step beyond the “traditional meditation” that everyone talks about.

It is a therapeutic technique that helps you harness the power of meditation and self-hypnosis to use for very specific purposes.

It allows you to instantly take control of any situation you’re in — so you’re ruling your world and it’s not ruling you.

The change HMT can have on your life is nothing short of transformative:

Instead of waiting for the universe to bestow abundance, you will be able to gain control and take action as opportunities arise, moving with renewed energy and inspired by the new sense of “flow” in your life.

Posted in: Hypnotic Meditative Technique (HMT)